Do you overwork?
Bangalore: Most people find it difficult to maintain the work life balance because of overworking and there are certain signs that show that people are missing out on their life because of overwork. If you are a person who works 10 hours a day, it is one of the signs that show that you overwork and you might not have work-life balance.
If the last party you attended was the office Diwali party, where you decided to let yourself go, it's to time to have another party with your co-workers. Some of the other signs of overworking are: Your best friend in the whole world is your colleague who knows everything about you. You couldn't make it for your parents' anniversary or your child's sports day because something urgent came up and you just couldn't get out of it.
You take pride in the fact that your job keeps you trim. You are way too busy to get off your desk for a lunch break, so you starve instead. You are so "emotionally" attached to your job that you call the office your second home and your colleagues your family. Your boss and your colleagues are a regular feature in your dreams. The Blackberry is your bosom buddy and makes its way with you everywhere - even to the bathroom or hospital bed. In the last couple of months, your only expenses have been transport to work and back and canteen food.
A new research reveals that checking e-mails at work can take off almost ten years of your working life. According to the study by Scottish IT training company, responding to an e-mail every five minutes clocks up a staggering 8.5 hours a week given the "recovery" time required after each interruption - adding up to 9.7 years of a working life. Well, at least now you'll have one more thing to add to that list: doctor's bills because if you continue like an obsessive workaholic, you are bound to land yourself in the hospital, if you haven't already.
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