Ministers and their families can travel in Air for free
New Delhi: Indian government is taking various austerity measures but there is one particular bill which has been cleared without any debate - The Salaries and Allowances of Ministers (Amendment) Bill, 2009. This bill allows ministers to take along "any number of companions or relatives" for air travel, not exceeding 48 trips a year. Among those eligible to travel along with a minister are the spouse, wholly dependent legitimate children, step-children, doctors and nursing staff, according to DNA.
The bill provides that the spouse or legitimate children or step-children residing with and wholly dependent on a minister may undertake such air travel alone. The bill was approved by the Rajya Sabha without discussion. Deputy Chairman K Rehman Khan said it was agreed similarly in the business advisory committee.
The Lok Sabha, too, had passed the bill without debate on December 18. The bill proposes to end the discrepancy between ministers and members of Parliament.
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