Thursday, December 17, 2009

Fifth international conference on wireless communication and sensor networks

Allahabad: The fifth international conference on wireless communication and sensor networks jointly organized by Indian Institute of Information Technology, Allahabad and Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, begins on the Jhalwa campus today. Professor Dharma P Agarwal from University of Cincinnati, U.S. will inaugurate the conference, reports TNN.

Around 40 papers from different countries including South Korea, UK, and Malaysia will be presented. "Nearly 120 papers were received out of which 40 were selected for the conference," said Dr. Rajat Singh, Organizing Committee Member.

IIIT-A Director and Conference Chairman, Dr. MD Tiwari said, "Wireless communication and sensor networks have an important place in creating the ubiquitous environments that would have profound influence on the society." Speakers will primarily focus on wireless sensor networks, architectures and protocols, wireless sensor network architectures, flexible, semantic wireless sensor networks, energy-aware network protocols and power management, localization and synchronization, security and privacy in wireless sensor actuator networks.

Prof US Tiwari, Co-chairman said to TNN that the conference would also include topics such as sensors and technologies for WSAN, architecture, design and fabrication of smart wireless sensors, motes and RF tags, sensor technologies and smart dust, MEMS and Nanotechnologies, biosensors, real time operating systems for WSANs and programming environments.

Under WSAN application, deployment and experiences, various themes such as surveillance, disaster prediction and management, transportation and traffic management, security and defence, environmental monitoring and ecology, entertainment and interfacing with real world applications will be discussed by experts.

To build large and sustainable systems, some energy and bandwidth constraints present challenges in developing intelligent, distributive, multi-modal networked objects that sense and act in wide areas and in unattended environments. The conference aims to spur these developments by bringing researchers together to share their research, experiences and their perceptions.

Previous Post's: Chiranjeevi resigned for his MLA post


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