Tuesday, December 29, 2009

Dust Bin for Electronic Wastage

Bangalore: Gone are the days, when people used to go miles to dispose e-waste or throw at streets. Now, with the help of Karnataka State Pollution Control Board, Ash recyclers, started by Sayeed Hussain have reached many residents in the city to collect e-waste. The organization installed bins in front of the apartments. Residents dump their waste in these bins, which are then carried to their office on Thimmaiah Road. E-wastes include a wide range of things from computer equipment refrigerators, emergency lights to other household products.

Hussain says that majority of the residents don't even claim money in exchange of their e-waste. Many of the software companies sell their e-waste at Rs.8 per kg. Every month, around 1500 kg of wastes are collected from offices and residents.

Employees working at the centre are mainly women who are poverty ridden. More than 30 trained women deal with the disassembling and packaging of the various elements present in these electronic items. The organization also take care of these employees by having the recognized methodology to extract the hazardous chemicals like iron, silicon, lead and nickel that is generated as part of e-waste. After extraction these equipment are stocked at their office in Hosakote till they are sold to the consumers. The end product is then sold at reasonable price to people who cannot afford to buy it at the price of a first hand product.

Not only collecting e-waste, Ash Recyclers also associated with a trust called 'Masha Allah', engaging itself with various activities like donation of computers to schools with an agreement that the computers will be returned back after the end of their life for recycling purposes.

Previous Post's: Review of the major technology developments

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