Monday, November 2, 2009

Nokia has acknowledged that it's first major service offering N-Gage

Helsinki, Finland: Nokia has acknowledged that it's first major service offering N-Gage has been a big failure. The handset maker's mobile gaming push has encountered major challenges over the years, with consumers shunning its dedicated gaming phones. Nokia tried to increase N-Gage's reach by launching online gaming service last year, according to Reuters.

Nokia has started to look for new revenues from online services as its traditional handset market is maturing, with games and music being the first focus areas of the cellphone maker. "We will no longer publish new games for the N-Gage platform," Nokia said on its N-Gage blog.

The blog also said that the games from its first major services offering can be purchased until the end of September 2010, and the community site will remain in operation throughout 2010. After closing the N-Gage service it will continue to sell mobile games at its Ovi Store, a smaller rival to Apple's popular App Store.


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