Sunday, November 1, 2009

Gujarat Chief Minister is down with swine flu

Gandhinagar: Gujarat Chief Minister Narendra Modi is down with swine flu two days after returning from Russia, doctors at a hospital said Friday.

This was confirmed by Atul Patel, the doctor at a government civil hospital on Friday morning. The chief minister who returned from his three day-visit to Russia on Wednesday worked through Thursday attending his official engagements, despite feeling tired and coughing frequently.
As doctors in attendance checked him, samples were taken to check for the H1N1 virus. By evening, his fever shot up and speculation mounted that he had swine flu. Following confirmation, Modi has been put under swine flu medication and quarantined at his own official residence here. All his appointments have been cancelled and he will be in isolation for a week.

Reports that the sample of a 60-year-old swine flu suspect - referred to as "VIP" and carrying the name Ramesh - had been sent for tests from Gandhinagar added to the rumours.


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