Friday, October 23, 2009

Indian girl's techology, Charge phone through its radiation

Guwahati: A school girl has developed a technology which will convert the radiation given out by mobile phones into heat and relay it as electrical energy back to the battery inside. Asmita Rekha Bora, a class XI science student of Kendriya Vidyalaya, Khanapara in Guwahati has come out with this charger.

The 16-year-old's theoretical concept - backed by a somewhat crude model - won her the second prize at the 37th Jawaharlal Nehru Science Exhibition held in Chennai on October 13-14. A panel of judges from IIT Chennai, had labeled her discovery as something that could revolutionize the mobile phone industry, according to Asmita's Physics teacher Devangshu Dev.

Dev had helped Asmita develop the model for a mere Rs. 800. So how did Asmita come up with this idea? "I got the idea while surfing the Net for the ill-effects of microwave radiation on human health. I realized this radiation was going to waste and decided to tap it for converting to heat energy," said Asmita to Hindustan Times.

Asmita, daughter of Geological Survey of India officer Arup Bora, plans to fine-tune her model in the next few months. "My model has been selected for a major NCERT show in New Delhi in 2010. This will open the door for a bigger scientific show in Moscow," according to Yahoo News.

A ticket to Moscow could make Asmita's auto-charger ready for commercial use.

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