Tuesday, September 22, 2009

HP unveils DreamScreen tablet computer

Bangalore: Hewlett Packard (HP) has taken the lead over Apple, by launching a tablet computer under its DreamScreen products that represent a new category of wireless connected screens. These screens are hybrids of slate computers and digital photo displays, reports VentureBeat.

These are not full-fledged computers that run on Microsoft's Windows software, but it can be used to keep track of online friends, view photos as they are updated in real-time, listen to Internet radio, share personal photos and enjoy music and photo collections that are stored on other networked computers. Apple is rumored to be working on something similar, but it is not expected until next year and it may even cost more.

The $249 DreamScreen 100 has a 10.2-inch and the $299 DreamScreen 130 has a 13.3-inch screen. They come with two gigabytes (GB) of built-in memory for storing photos, music, and home movies directly on the device. They have a universal serial bus (USB) and flash memory card connectors so that can be used to load digital content from a USB drive or digital camera.
HP has also included a new service called HP SmartRadio, which aggregates streams of live Internet broadcasts from more than 10,000 radio stations around the world. Users can now listen to their favorite radio stations on the Internet by location or genre in any part of their home.

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