Saturday, September 19, 2009

HCL Founder Shiv Nadar, biz person of the year

Bangalore: Founder of HCL and Chairman of HCL Technologies, Shiv Nadar, has bagged the U.K. Trade and Investment Business Person of the year award for unique contribution to bilateral trade.

After taking this award, Nadar said, "U.K. holds a special place for us at HCL. Our work there has grown not just in volume but in the value we are able to deliver to our partners in the U.K; and from the U.K. to the rest of the world."

Nadar was presented the award in acknowledgement of the company's pioneering investment in the U.K. under his leadership and for his focus and direction in establishing HCL as a leader in the information and communication technologies industry in India. The award was presented by Britian's Trade and Investment Minister Lord Mervyn Davies.

The UKTI India Business Awards celebrate India-U.K. business partnerships in terms of inward investment, collaborations, entrepreneurship and innovation. "The U.K. is the only country that has instituted business awards to recognise corporate partnerships with India, reflecting the very high importance to us of our relationship with India," said British High Commissioner in India, Sir Richard Stagg, who was also present at the ceremony.

Winners under other categories include Glenmark Pharmaceuticals MD and CEO, Glenn Saldanha (Young Business Leader of the Year), Firstsource Solutions (Investor of the Year), Dar Consultants (business partnership of the year). Also, Tata Steel was given the award for corporate social responsibility, Regenatec (green innovation), Pavers Foresight Smart Ventures and IMI mobile (new market entrants).

Previous Post's: Aircel signs tower sharing deal with Datacom


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