Computer Basics
Definition : Computer is an electronic device which accepts data from the user calculates it stores it and displays in the desired form
The word computer has been derived from the Latin word “Computer” which means to calculate, so the word is logically applied to any calculating device.
1. Speed: Computers are capable to work quickly and sharply. The Speed of Computer is measured in Million Instructions Per Second (MIPS)
2. Accuracy: Computers are capable to work most Accurately as well as very sharply. The Accuracy percentage is 100%. It never displays errors unless the data coated by the user is containing error instructions. This principle is called as Garbage In Garbage Out (GIGO).
3. Storage: Computers stores huge amounts of data in its memory and can simultaneously recall the same information by using simple English Commands.
4. Reliability: Computers are capable to work more hours per day. Being Machines Computers doesn’t get tired even though it works no. of hours. But we have to facilitate Guanine parts to it.
5. Versatility: Computers are not related to any one particular field and are capable to work in every field like Medicine, Engg., Accounting, Financial, Banking, Railways, Airways, Roadways, Educational Depts, etc,.
6. Security: Computer Secures the data which we stored in its memory.
7. User Friendly: Computer is a friendly operating machine which can be operate with any one with out Age Bar or Profession Bar.
1. Dependability: Computers are always depends on the user for instructions it doesn’t it work by its own.
2. Lack of Common Sense : Being Machine It doesn’t have common Sense so that It can’t take a decision or make a judgement.
3. In Ability To Correct Errors: It displays some information about the error but it won’t correct by its own.
More Information
1. Educational:-
Teaching purpose
For correcting of competitive exam papers
2. medical :-
for issuing medical bills, medical reports
for conducting medical tests
3. transport :
ticket reservation purpose
4. homes :-
entertainment purpose
for personal works
5. industries:_
at production side
for calculating employee salaries
6. science & engg
for scientific calculations
in designing building plans (auto cad)
in designing machinery parts (Mcad)
7. Govt Sectors :-
Ex banks, apseb, telecom, postal, rto, revenue etc
8. all private organizations
9. in film industry
a) graphics designing
b) animations
10. investigation
11. wars
Computer is mainly divided in to 3 major parts like
Input Unit
Processing Unit
& Output Unit.
& Monitor.
Input Device: The Device which is used to send the information into the computer is called as Input Device.
Depending upon the use these are of many types some of them are discussed below:
1. Keyboard: a. This is first input Device.b. It looks like a Typewriting Machine.c. Used to send Text Type of Information.d. There are 101 keys present in a standard Keyboard.e. These keys are categorised in to 5 different types as follows:i. Alpha Numeric à a,b,c….z ,0-9ii. Special Keys à .?><”()*&^%$#@!iii. Toggle Keys à Caps Lock, Num Lock, Scroll Lock, etc.iv. Dead Keys ----- Shift, Alt, Control, etc.,v. Function Keys ----- F1,F2,F3…..F12.
2. Mouse: 1. This is widely using Input Device now a days.2. It is a hand held instrument which is used to
3. lect a command or an option on the screen.3. There are 3 Buttons in it like Left, Right & Middle Button. 4. Widely used in Graphical User Interface Software.
4. Scanner: This is used to Input Pictures, Images in to the computer.
5. Mic: this is used to send voice type of information into the computer.
6. LightPen: Used to select a particular region on the screen.Ex: Used in Cricket Matches Telecasting on Electronic Media.
7. Joy Stick: Used to send signal type of information into the computer while playing computer games.
Output Device: A Device which is used to get the information from the system is called as Output Device.
Depending on the use these are of many types some of them are discussed below:
1. Monitor: -
a. this is first Output Device.
b. It looks like a T.V. Set.
c. This is also called as Screen or Visual Display Unit (VDU).
d. There are two types of monitors available in today's market they are Mono Chrome & Multi Colour.
e. The Maximum output of a monitor is 80 Columns and 25 Rows.
f. Desktop Computer Monitors are works with the help of Cathode Ray Tube (CRT) where as LapTop and PalmTop Computer Monitors are works with the help of Liquid Crystal Display (LCD).
C.P.U: This is widely called as Heart of the computer. This is mainly divided into 3 Major Parts like:
1. Memory Unit.
2. Control Unit. &
3. Arithmetic & Logic Unit.
Memory Unit: This is again divided into 2 parts like
Primary Storage Memory: Here we have 2 parts like ROM and RAM
ROM: Rom Stands for Read Only Memory. This is a permanent memory which reads all the devices which are connected to the computer and displays information whether they are properly working or not. ROM is stored by the Manufacturers.
RAM: This is a volatile memory where temporary storage is takes place. It looses the entire information when we switch off the computer.