Wednesday, September 25, 2013

SEO Certification Program from Wectonic

SEO Certification (search engine optimization) program from Wectonic. Program will give candidate a deep knowledge and skill of SEO (Internet Marketing). As, SEO in boom this decade. So, this is the right time to grab the career opportunity to reach heights in the same platform.

Saturday, September 7, 2013

Tokyo to Host 2020 Olympics

Tokyo to Host 2020 Olympics, IOC President Announces it today.

Thursday, August 1, 2013

Bangalore Best Engineering Colleges

We've shortlisted few best engineering colleges in Bangalore city (Karnataka), India. Few names are as follows:

BMS College of Engineering
R.V College of Engineering

Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Here is a list of Hotels in Bangalore

I've found few best hotels list in Bangalore (Karnataka). Here is the link of best rated Bangalore Hotels list. heads up and give in your feedback based on your experience with any of the listed hotels.

Saturday, March 30, 2013

Management Introduction

Traditionally, the term "management" refers to the activities (and often the group of people) involved in the four general functions: planning, organizing, leading and coordinating of resources. Note that the four functions recur throughout the organization. Continue reading: Management Introduction

Thursday, February 21, 2013

Serial Bomb Blasts in Hyderabad Dilsukhnagar

Hyderabad (February 21) -- Terror Strikes Hyderabad Again. Two blasts have been reported near Dilsukhnagar bus stand area in Hyderabad. More than six people were dead and several with injuries, according to reports. The police has passed red alert in the city. Read more:

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Karnataka State Rifle Association's Partiality

Following words are pulled out from my heart, after live experience of mine (Mohith AGadi) with Karnataka State Rifle Association (Mr. Krupakar: Secretary of KSRA). My intention is: no other should face this type of situation/disappointment any more.


The main aim of Karnataka State Rifle Association or Any Rifle Association must be to encourage the candidate who comes to join the Rifle shooting… but not to discourage… When a Right Candidate approaches for joining Association… Is it right Krupakar Sir…? I think you agree with the above statement…Right! And I feel you also agree with following too… a few points that are right… the Count begins… No. 1: Only the people with real interest & right attitude approaches you not others. No. 2: Rifle shooting is not an ordinary Sport to learn. No. 3: Rifle shooting demands specific interest… time… money… enthusiasm… & overall the learner must have a real genuine passion for the sport… Right!

Even though people are coming forward & showing readiness to join the Rifle Association even in this busy life schedule means there is something that is countable & must be taken into consideration by the Karnataka State Rifle Association Management… that is… “Candidates Genuine Passion” towards the sport “Rifle shooting”.

No one ever say not to follow rules & regulations during intake of candidates into Association. But what I feel is to consider the basic requirement that is “candidate’s genuine passion for the sport”. And one has to go out of circle sometimes & be flexible in such cases when the matter is within your hands… & within your reach of considerations & acceptance for the Association membership. Since the Karnataka State Rifle association aim will be always only to provide boosting to inculcate & develop interest in Rifle shooting but not to discourage the candidates who are approaching.

On one hand Encouragement leads to the addition of mouth publicity for the Karnataka State Rifle Association too which further raises the standards of the Association & improves the membership too… While on other hand if Discouragement continues in this fashion with VIP partiality… then definitely it turns to be giving out a wavy nod out intensions & makes the Association a secondary choice by the public.

And I also wish to convey that Karnataka State Rifle Association Management & to Mr. Krupakar must not show any partiality in approving the Association membership & not to give weightage to the VIP related candidates & turn down others who are reaching with willing attitude to join the Rifle Association who is waiting for this opportunity from a long time & with a long lasting wish in their heart to learn Riffle Shooting in their lifetime. So what my final augmented request is: TO BE IMPARTIAL in Rifle Association membership intake. If incase IF BEING IMPARTIAL is not Possible for the Karnataka State Rifle Association Management & for Mr. Krupakar then what my suggestion is to change the Karnataka State Rifle Association to VIP’S Rifle Association instead. So that no common man will never think & never approach the Karnataka State Rifle Association for joining as a member… whenever they see the Rifle Association, though they feel the surging Passion raising their blood levels towards Rifle Shooting Sport then. I leave the choice to the Karnataka State Rifle Association Management to either be IMPARTIAL in membership intake or else CHANGE the Association name to VIP’S Association.

Friday, July 20, 2012

AP (India) Police to launch Online Help Centers

Days are being changed, Technologically more advancements are happening around! Still, Government in some countries not adopting them in full. But, in India. Police department in Andhra Pradesh state are likely to launch online help center (technologically assisted by Scynon web call center) to help people instantly. No matter what, Queries are going to take instantly and served online, Local news report says.

Upon the latest meetings at Anantapur (district) Police Head Quarters. IT Core team, decided to setup a system which serves both people and department people to take up the queries instantly and serve them in a timely matter, for this they are reviewing the Comm100's (Canadian software company) Live Chat & Email ticket systems for adoption, official said.

According to their plans, they may recruit few experienced personnel within department to work on the systems to tackle the things easily. So, from now on people can submit their queries (regarding police department duties/related to it) online. Queries are going to be opened and solved/answered within 48 hours (maximum time), official said.

This could be the first online move of the Police department in India. Later of this system implementation, they are planning to move further with social media. So, they are even going to enter Facebook, Twitter, etc. Nothing wrong in this, as technology is meant for Good things to be happen. In this way, police can lift the friendliness nature between people and department. Anyways, Police in India are getting awareness and understanding the online potentiality, Generalists Says.

Adoption of the online systems will be completed earlier in the month of September (2012). And is available for the public by October (2012), official said.

About Comm100
Comm100 (Canadian based software company) is the leading global provider of enterprise-level customer service and communication solutions, including Live Chat, Email Marketing, Support Ticket, Help Desk, Forum and Knowledge Base. Powerful, integrated and hosted, Comm100 gives businesses an unmatched power to communicate effectively with their customers through multiple channels and deliver superior customer experience. Read More

Reported by:
Mohith AGadi
Online Technological Generalist

Thursday, June 7, 2012

What is Bulk Email?

Any of you know what is mean by Bulk Email? Uhm! Don't think too hard, it's a simple answer, Bulk email is nothing but sending an email to hundreds/thousands/millions.. of emails ID's. It can be a marketing email, service email or spam email (a email can be called as spam when it is sent to not-interested people/not subscribed people).

bulk emailsThere are many internet marketing options available these days and in those, Email marketing is most powerful one. But, Email marketing should done legally (i mean not to send spam email). To keep it fair, build the contact lists with the help of email opt-in subscription form.

One of the leading bulk email solution provider, says:

Sending bulk email is a keystone element in all marketing strategies to accomplish business goals such as maximizing ROI on customer acquisition and building lasting brand relationships.

Want to know more about Bulk Email (aka Email Marketing)? Read more:

This is my posting for today. Any trademarks/registered names used in the article are owned by their respective owners. This is just my research/opinion/view. If i am wrong or If you've any comments/feedback on this write up, please don't hesitate to contact me at: Facebook, Twitter, Google+

Friday, May 11, 2012

It's something about Electronic mailing list

A mailing list (Email list Management) is a collection of names and addresses used by an individual or an organization to send material to multiple recipients. The term is often extended to include the people subscribed to such a list, so the group of subscribers is referred to as "the mailing list", or simply "the list".

At least two types of mailing lists can be defined: an announcement list is closer to the original sense, where a "mailing list" of people was used as a recipient for newsletters, periodicals or advertising. Traditionally this was done through the postal system, but with the rise of email, the electronic mailing list became popular. The second type allows members to post their own items which are broadcast to all of the other mailing list members. This second category is usually known as a discussion list.

Read more @ Wikipedia


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